Minnesota police to crack down on drunk driving

Driving under the influence of alcohol is a dangerous and potentially deadly practice. The Minnesota Department of Public Safety says more than 140 people in the state die annually because of accidents involving alcohol.

To help reduce that number, the DPS is going to be targeting specific areas of the state with increased law enforcement efforts. So far, general increases in patrols have resulted in favorable outcomes.

“Extra enforcement campaigns have helped the state hit record low alcohol-related death numbers,” says DPS Office of Traffic Safety director Cheri Marti.

Within the past four years, the department says its efforts have caused more than 172,000 motorists to be pulled over for suspected impaired driving.

Such efforts are crucial to people’s safety. An intoxicated driver is putting them self as well as others at risk for a deadly accident. The number of drivers caught driving under the influence highlights the importance of having the right auto insurance and health insurance protection, in the event you or another driver are injured in a drinking and driving accident.

Before heading out to a social engagement, it’s wise to select a designated driver beforehand. Doing so can prevent everyone from having too much to drink and then trying to drive.

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